Débora Lopes Salles Scheffel
A native of São José do Rio Pardo – SP, Dr. Scheffel received her DDS in 2007, her MS in 2010 and her PhD in 2013 all from the Araraquara School of Dentistry - São Paulo State University – UNESP. Dr. Scheffel was a research fellow at The Dental College of Georgia – Augusta University - USA for 2 years, where she worked with Dr. David Pashley. She also conducted experiments at the University of Bologna - Italy with Dr. Lorenzo Breschi.
In 2019 Dr. Scheffel became a faculty member at the State University of Maringa (Department of Dentistry) where she teaches subjects in Pediatric Dentistry for undergraduate and graduate students as well as residents in Pediatric Dentistry. She also serves as advisor and co-advisor for scientific initiation projects and master's and doctorate students linked to the Postgraduate Program in General Dentistry.
Dr. Scheffel has published more than 40 papers in recent years and serves as reviewer for journals such as Dental Materials, Journal of Adhesive Dentistry, Operative Dentistry, Reports Scientific, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Journal of Applied Oral Science, Journal of Applied Oral Science, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, European Journal of Oral Sciences, among others.
Fields of interest
Dr. Scheffel conducts research in the field of dental materials with a focus on adhesive materials, adhesive interface durability, dentin biomodification, stability of the hybrid layer, as well as biocompatibility and bioactivity of dental materials.
Dr. Scheffel received honorable mentions at different events in the past years and in 2012 was awarded the Paffenbarger Award during the annual meeting of the Academy of Dental Materials in Orlando - FL - USA.
Proteolytic Activity, Degradation, and Dissolution of Primary and Permanent Teeth
Effect of Er:YAG Laser Irradiation and Chitosan Biomodification on the Stability of Resin/Demineralized Bovine Dentin Bond
Odontogenic Differentiation Potential of Human Dental Pulp Cells Cultured on a Calcium-Aluminate Enriched Chitosan-Collagen Scaffold