Adilson Luiz Ramos


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Graduation in Dentistry at University of São Paulo - USP in 1988.

Orthodontics Residency at Centrinho - HRAC (University of São Paulo - USP) in 1991.

Master degree in Orthodontics at University of São Paulo in 1994.

PhD in Orthodontics at UNESP in 2001.  


news.jpg  Evaluation of biofilm accumulation on and deactivation force of orthodontic NiTi archwires before and after exposure to the oral medium: in vitro study. 
news.jpg DSC analysis and evaluation of forces released on deactivation of 0.40-mm (0.016") orthodontic thermo-activated NiTi wires: An in vitro study
news.jpg Efficacy of fluoride associated with nano-hydroxyapatite in reducing enamel demineralization adjacent to orthodontic brackets: in situ study